
Burgundy 30th Anniversary Story


a screenshot of Burgundy 30th Anniversary Story website

About the project

The Burgundy 30th Anniversary Timeline was created to celebrate 30 years of Burgundy Asset Management’s history. This single-page experience takes users on a journey through three decades, highlighting key moments, images, videos, and notable events for each year. The timeline was designed to be visually engaging, with smooth transitions that draw the user into Burgundy’s rich history.


Built with Vue.js and powered by GSAP, the site features entrance and exit animations that are triggered as users scroll through each year. A unique year wheel navigation, reminiscent of the classic Price-is-Right wheel, is synced with the user’s scroll position, providing an intuitive way to explore Burgundy’s milestones. Each year section is fully interactive, containing rich media like images and videos to give a comprehensive overview of Burgundy’s achievements over time.

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